Friday, 12 November 2010
Talk By Eric Dempsey,Riverfront Hotel, Virginia 25 November
“A Year of Birds,” a Presentation by Eric dempsey will take place in the Riverfront Hotel, Virginia at 8pm on Thursday 25 November.Eric is a professional bird guide, author and a regular contributor to The Mooney Show on RTE radio This talk should be of interest to anyone who feeds garden birds or who enjoys the countryside and would like to know more about the birds they encounter while out and about. His new publication “The complete Field Guide to Ireland Birds” will be available to buy on the night for those who wish to purchase. His last visit to Virginia was a big success and we look forward to his return. All Welcome and admission is free!
Dundalk Bay 7 November

After meeting up at the Fairways Hotel, we headed out to Seabank where we joined up with Breffni Martin of the Louth Branch. A variety of waders were present including redshank, grey plover, ringed plover and dunlin. As the tide was still quite high, we decided to pay a visit to Hermitage where we enjoyed some close-up views of common scoter and red throated divers. We finished off the outing by returning to the town to visit the dockland area. Two little egrets were present along with a large flock of lapwing, some golden plovers, gulls, black-tailed godwits and a small flock of goldeneye.
After a great day’s birding, we called into the Spirit Store at the docks for a coffee. Many thanks to Breffni for joining us and for helping us to become more familiar with the excellent birding locations around