Dawn Chorus Walk in Bailieborough.
We met up at 4.30am at the car park of the castle-lake woods for our annual dawn chorus event on Sunday 18th May.
It was still dark, blustery and threatening to rain as we set out on our
walk. We had just left the car park when the first bird of the dawn chorus
began to sing- a song thrush! Blackbirds soon joined in, followed be robins and
then wrens.
As we proceeded on our walk
and it started to brighten up the song thrushes and blackbirds became less
vocal and we were able to tune in to the songs of chaffinches, goldcrests, and
the summer visitors that come to breed in the forest: willow warblers,
chiffchaffs and blackcaps.
Before finishing up, we stopped at the lake to view
the great crested grebes, moorhens and mute swans. The resident female mute
swan remained on her nest, but we suspected that the chicks may have been in
the process of hatching. She looked to be very busy and the male was nearby
paying close attention! At the lakeshore we also enjoyed
the song of the sedge warblers, another species that migrates here from Africa
to breed.
We finished the event
with a cup of tea and some refreshments at the car park area and were all very
glad that the rain just about managed to hold off until we were finishing up!
Thanks to everyone who brought along refreshments to share.
It was much appreciated!
All above photos taken by Michael Mc Kiernan.
Dusk Chorus Walk In Killeshandra
photo Heather Bothwell |
Looking for tree creepers on the giant sequoia castle Hamilton
Report by Heather Bothwell
A Dusk Chorus Walk concentrating on birdsong took place in Killeshandra on Sunday 27th April. This was a short walk
highlight of which was grasshopper warblers. We retreated after an hour before
the midges got too hungry.